This section is specially designed to enable you to dig deep and reflect on your skills and driving style. By interacting with content here, you will be able to:

1. Recognize the strengths of your style: Each leader has unique strengths that distinguish him. The tools and exercises offered will help you identify these points and how to build on them.

2. Identifying development areas: No leader is perfect, but successful leaders recognize and always seek to develop where their skills are lacking. This section will offer you a framework for evaluating potential improvement points in your style.

3. Leveraging experiences and attitudes: Through realistic examples and interactive exercises, you will learn how to apply what you have learned in specific contexts and situations.

4. Developing a personal vision for leadership: Based on what you will learn and discover about yourself, you can formulate your vision for leadership and how you want to be known as a future leader.

Through active engagement and deep reflection in this department, you will take a step toward achieving success and excellence in the field of leadership.

In this section “we offer you a range of questions for self-assessment. This is an assessment based on global best practices in leadership development, where it benefits widely from recognized global sources. Among these sources are Purdue Universal University and Gallup Foundation, as well as a range of academic sources in the field of educational evaluation. Through this assessment, we aim to provide an extensive and comprehensive view based on scientific research and specialized expertise to ensure the quality of the results, enabling course participants to make the most of the content and apply lessons learned in their own contexts.

On Leadership Self-Assessment

This self-assessment exercise is designed to offer you a structured way of reflecting and evaluating your driving style. The goal is to think objectively about your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to identify areas of improvement and track your progress over time.

To ensure meaningful evaluation, clear criteria for estimation are presented, enabling you to allocate scores or estimates for different aspects of your performance.

This process not only helps you get a deeper understanding of your abilities, but also serves as a valuable tool for setting goals, improving your skills, and ultimately achieving personal or professional growth.