–  Customers are key, just listen to customers and work to design what you offer based on their wishes and needs, listen to any customer or citizen you offer any kind of service to, and that’s exactly what a company has done. “Jaguar”, a UK-based automotive manufacturer, added a line to each employee’s paycheck receipt for everyone to read when receiving their pay check at the end of the month: “What made this possible is customer satisfaction”; So never forget that the only real measure of success is customer satisfaction.

–  Learn something new every day. Learning has always been the leader’s main focus. However, the pace of learning has increased in today’s digital age, as learning must become a lifelong daily habit such as going to the gym. The leader must challenge himself every day and not stop learning. and to ask himself at the end of each day: what new skill did you learn today? Or what new knowledge did you add?

–  More importantly, it is to keep an open mind and not to stop listening. Listen to those who criticize you and show your shortcomings, before you listen to those who praise you, you never believe that you are 100% right; The probability of being wrong is 1% in any situation, set your sights on it and never stop listening to comments and looking for ways to improve your thinking and mindset.